UNDP 2017
UNDP 2017 The Regional launch of UNDP’s 2016 global human development report Human Development for Everyone (HDR) was held in collaboration with Istanbul Technical University’s Technological and Economic Development Research Centre on 19-20 June 2017. In addition to launching the HDR, this two-day event convened experts from Turkey and middle-income countries of Europe and Central Asia who are doing policy-relevant research on social inclusion in a sustainable development context.
The HDR’s messages about the importance of extending human development gains to the poor, vulnerable, and other at-risk-groups are intensely relevant for these countries. They also go to the heart of UNDP’s support for national efforts to implement the global Agenda 2030 for sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in this region, to help ensure that “no one is left behind”.
In addition to publicizing these messages, this two-day event aimed to:
Consolidate UNDP’s partnerships with universities, think tanks, and other knowledge centres, in Turkey and in the region more broadly; Raise awareness among regional social policy experts/specialists about the SDGs, in order to deepen their substantive engagement in the national implementation of Agenda 2030 and the SDGs; and Support regional sustainable development research networking and advocacy.
9.30 – 9.45: Welcoming remarks
Alper Ünal ,Vice Rector, Istanbul Technical University - Welcome Statement Rastislav Vrbensky, Deputy Director, UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and CIS - Welcome Statement Session 1: Human Development for Everyone: Leaving No one Behind
Moderator: Ipek Ilkkaracan, Istanbul Technical University
9.45 – 10.45: Presentation of UNDP’s Human Development Report:
Milorad Kovacevic, Chief Statistician, UNDP’s Human Development Report Office - Presentation Bharati Sadasivam, UNDP Regional Gender Team Leader - Presentation Ben Slay, UNDP Senior Advisor - Presentation 10.45 – 11.30: Commentary
Alpay Filiztekin, Özyegin University, Istanbul Nilüfer Çagatay, UN Women Regional Economic Policy Advisor and University of Utah, USA - Presentation Bakhodur Eshonov, Senior Consultant, FAO, Ankara - Presentation 11.30 – 12.00: Discussion
12.00 – 13.30: Lunch
Session 2: The Future of Social Protection in the Region
Moderator: Sheila Marnie, UNDP Regional Sustainable Development Advisor
13.30 – 13.50: Gordana Matkovic, Centre for Social Policy, Belgrade, “The Welfare State in the Western Balkans: Challenges and Options” - Presentation - Paper 13.50 – 14.10: Ben Slay, UNDP senior advisor, “Financial Sustainability of State Pension Funds: The Case of Azerbaijan” - Presentation - Abstract of the Paper 14.10 – 14.30: Selin Pelek, Galatasaray University (with Sinem Ayhan, IZA, Germany) “State Dependence on Welfare Benefits in a non-Welfare Context” - Presentation - Paper 14.30 – 14.40: Commentary—Serdar Sayan, TOBB-ETU University 14.40 – 15.10: Discussion
15.10 – 15.30: Coffee break
Session 3: Poverty risk and vulnerability analysis—Research results from Albania, Belarus, and Turkey
Moderator: Sebnem Burnaz, Istanbul Technical University, Director of Institute for Social Sciences
15.30 – 15.50: Alexander Chubrik, IPM Research Centre, Minsk: “Poverty and Social Impact Assessment of Economic Reforms in Belarus” - Presentation - Paper 15.50 – 16.10: Eno Ngjela, UNDP-Albania, Tirana, “Transitions in to and Out of Poverty in Albania” - Presentation - Paper 16.10 – 16.30: Serdal Bahçe, Ankara University, “Long-run Growth, Distribution and Poverty Performance of Turkey”, Ankara University - Presentation - Paper 16.30 – 16.40: Commentary —Elena Danilova-Cross, UNDP Regional Advisor on Poverty and Inequality 16.40 – 17.00: Discussion
17.00: Concluding remarks: Lerzan Özkale, Istanbul Technical University
Evening dinner with speakers and participants
Session 4: Social care economy
Moderator: Gülay Günlük-Senesen, Istanbul University - Remarks
9.30 – 9.50: Emel Memis, Ankara University, “Time Deficits and Poverty” - Presentation - Paper 9.50 – 10.10: Ipek Ilkkaracan, Istanbul Technical University (with T. Kaya ITU and K. Kim, Levy Economics Institute, New York), “Investing in Social Care Infrastructure and Employment Generation: The Case of Turkey” - Presentation - Report - Paper 10.10 – 10.30: Tamar Khitarishvili, Levy Economics Institute, New York “Gendered Employment and Time-use Patterns in Central Asia” - Presentation - Abstract of the Paper 10.30 – 10.40: Commentary—Nilüfer Çagatay, UN Women Regional and University of Utah 10.40 – 11.00: Discussion
11.00 – 11.30: Coffee break
Session 5: Labour Markets and Social Exclusion: Migration, Informality, and Regional Disparities
Moderator: Ahmet Atil Asici, Istanbul Technical University
11.30 – 11.50: Tatiana Karabchuk, United Arab Emirates University and Eurasian Monitor, Moscow, “Migration from Central Asia and informal employment in Russia” - Presentation - Abstract of the Paper 11.50 – 12.10: Hasan Tekgüç, Kadir Has University (with Doruk Cengiz, University of Massachusettes–Amherst), Istanbul, “Labour Market Outcomes of Syrian Refugees in Turkey” - Presentation 12.10 – 12.30: Gökçe Uysal, Bahçesehir University and BETAM (with Ozan Bakis, BETAM), Istanbul, “Labor Market Status of Syrian Refugees in Istanbul” - Summary 12.30 – 12.40: Commentary—Sezgin Polat, Galatasaray University - Commentary 12.40 – 13.00: Discussion
13.00: Closing remarks: Ipek Ilkkaracan, Istanbul Technical University; Ben Slay, UNDP senior advisor