About Us

TEGAM is a scientific and technological research, training and application center established under Istanbul Technical University Rectorate.
TEGAM's field of work arises from the technological development-economic development interaction in developing countries. TEGAM’s central working is focused but not limited to the following channels: to conduct and participate in related research; to cooperate with national and international organizations; organizing courses, seminars, conferences, congresses and similar meetings; To carry out researches, examinations, laboratory experiments and similar works related to the problems of the public and private sector, to give scientific reports, to carry out projects and similar technical studies.


-Prof. Dr. M. Özgür Kayalıca
-Prof. Dr. Gülgün Kayakutlu
-Asst. Prof. A. Aylin Bayar
-Dr. Kutay Tinç
-Res. Asst. Denizhan Güven
-Eng. Msc. Şebnem Bilgin
-Eng. Avni Özözen
-Eng. Mehmet Özer
-Res. Asst. Gizem Kaya
-Burcu Deniz Balcı
-Deniz Ahman